How To Enter a Trophy
Have a deer, bear, or moose you shot this year; One that was shot years past; one that was given to you buy a family member or friend; Or even one you found in the woods as you were walking though? Get in touch with an official NHASTC measurer and schedule a meeting to have it scored. If your score meets the minimum requirements you will then have the option of entering it in to the NHASTC book. We will ask for a story of how you collected or took this trophy and as well as a picture. In return the trophy owner will soon receive a certificate and a patch. And of course your trophy will be added and displayed in the next NH Big Game Record Book.
$20 for entry
$10 for Shed entry
Not sure if you make it in? Get an estimate score before you enter
***This is just an estimate please contact an official scorer to schedule a time to have it officially scored and entered. "contact us"
Minimum Entry Scores
Rifle / Shotgun - 150
Bow and Arrow - 125
Handgun - 140
Muzzle loader - 140
Honorable Mention - 150 /Y140
Broken Skull - 110
Rifle / Shotgun - 17
Bow and Arrow - 16
Handgun - 17
Muzzle loader - 17
Honorable Mention - 17
Deer (Perfect Typical)
Rifle / Shotgun - 120 / Y110
Bow and Arrow - 105 / Y95
Handgun - 115 / Y105
Muzzle loader - 115 / Y105
Honorable Mention - 120
Broken Skull - 105
Deer (Typical)
Rifle / Shotgun - 120 / Y110
Bow and Arrow - 105 / Y95
Handgun - 115 / Y105
Muzzle loader - 115 / Y105
Honorable Mention - 120
Broken Skull - 105
Perfect Typ - 55
Typical - 55
Non Typ - 60
Moose - 55